Liverpool Coach Company

Liverpool Coach Company

The main services we provide come in twofold. These are under the headings of Liverpool Minibus Hire and also the Liverpool Coach Company Hire package. Both services are separate but customers can choose from one or the other.

The Liverpool Coach Hire service is available for groups in the region of sixteen people and over and the Liverpool Minibus Hire is available for groups in the region of eight to fourteen people. Therefore the first factor we consider is the number of people per group.

The most suited service will definitely depend on the needs the customers has as well and we aim to balance the needs with the total number of participants in a group. One of the key examples we can use is that a group may have a great deal of luggage. This could be for exhibition, food stalls or even sporting events e.g. balls, bats etc. In this instance the most suited source of transport could be a minibus instead of a coach as a minibus has more internal space close to passenger seats and will also work out cheaper, but as effective as hiring a large coach.

On the other hand, many of our customers have informed us that they prefer a coach for long distance journeys. They have also informed us that they enjoy the many facilities and extras in a coach such as indoor toilets, DVD players, fridges, music players etc.